Derry Vilcans-Moody
Accredited Rider Biomechanics Coach
Ride With Your Mind -RWYM Level 1 Mastery
Franklin Method Franklin Ball Certified
Equine Sports Massage Therapist
A teenage dream that morphed into lifetime of passion.
I learned to ride at a small riding school in west London, having watched my two younger sisters, taking lessons and standing on the sidelines ( often cold and wet) I decided to embark on the journey. Little did my poor parents know that they had now set up 3 children into a life of horses.
For a number of years I pursued the equine world as a passion and hobby, progressing to compete at county level showing. I was often the go to on any yard for support and advise with riders wanting to progress and develop their skills I spent a large number of years working though various teaching qualifications, including an advanced teacher training. It was at this stage I embarked on formalising my equine skills by completing the British Horse Society exams, I'm a British Horse Society Accredited Professional Coach (BHSAPC). The coaching modules were where I excelled, with by now several years experience in teaching, coaching along with mentoring and supporting of trainee teachers.
My coaching career has been varied including Riding School, Pony Club, Riding Club, a Trekking Guide along with working with pleasure and leisure riders to improve their equine- person relationships. I have over 2 decades of experience of starting and bringing on horses and I have a clear logical and sequential process to this.
I firmly believe in breaking down the ‘jargon’ and ambiguous language used when teaching riding, working with each rider to develop their own individual ‘tool kit’ after all 'talent is teachable, and skills can be learnt'
I regularly attend training with Mary Wanless founder of the rider biomechanics movement focusing on the Ride with Your Mind principals and I am also a Ride With Your Mind Accredited Coach Level 1 the additional award of Mastery at this level. Ensuring tant my own development is ongoing and progressive.
I am a Franklin Method Franklin Ball Certified Coach find out more on this by clicking here
I am a qualified coach in complete horsemanship, my specialist areas of coaching focus include;
Rider Biomechanics
Confidence building
Work with nervous riders
Flat work/ Dressage
Pole work
Rider Alignment & Body Balance
BHS Exam Training
Working with young horses

Equine Sports Massage Therapy.
My passion for rider and horse balance and synergy, inspired me to begin training as an Equine Sports Massage Therapist through the College of Animal Physiotherapy in 2021.
As the custodian of two veteran, retirees and as a professional working in the field meeting horses and owners it felt like a natural progression to look deeper in to the workings of the horses body and to ultimately be able to assist in the maintenance of the horses physical and mental well being in general above the work I do with them while being worked under saddle or from the ground.
I graduated in spring 2022 with a Distinction on the level 3 diploma in Equine Sports Massage Therapy, with The College of Animal Physiotherapy, and LANTRA. I am also a full member of the IAAT, International Association of Animal Therapists.
I am now able to support the horse and the rider on a more holistic journey together - For more information on Equine Sports Massage Therapy CLICK HERE